Sunday, November 2, 2008

Magic Mountain Ride

Last Sunday....Last Sunday I think I did one of the most exhilaratingly and wild and crazy things Ive ever done! Picture this....A perfect day...A massive volcano...Two travellers...One guide...Three mountain bikes...And a mountain track that to-d and fro-d between ridiculous rocks, and dodgy dirt, and seriously-sinky sand, and beautiful beautiful bitumen! From 4800m we mountained biked down down (and a lil bit of up!) downnnnnn for three whole exhilarating hours! Laughing, screaming, puffing, panting, and more puffing and more panting (welcome to altitude ladies&gents!) we raced and struggled and pedalled and bled (oh yes there was many a delightfully painful stack!) and we made it 55km down Peru´s Mt Cachani - allllll the merry while making friends with what could possibly be the most spectacular scenary Ive ever seen! Exhausted, bruised and mighty mighty proud of ourselves we returned to our hostal that afternoon. And I will never forget the site of Nick cruising down one section of Cachani...back straight..arm out in the wind. It said it all. Best soul-souring heart-pumping arms-out-in-the-wind fun fun wild magical-mountain experience ever!

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